Max Lind

Community Manager at Webflow

Max Lind

Max Lind is an Iowa-based marketer, anchored by a background in design, who describes himself as a generalist and connector of dots. “I’m Max, sometimes Maxwell. I miss radio, care about online privacy and security, and heart all things Apple.”

Max will give a presentation on microsites that convert, and he will take part in the Webflow panel titled From WordPress to Webflow: a UX Journey.

Microsites that Move the Needle: Surprise and Delight in your Microsite

Interview summary

Community, generally speaking, continues to make waves in the broader tech industry. Why? Because companies are finally realizing that people who pay for your products and/or services can (and should) be more than just “customers”. Max’s talk explores the difference between customers and community and highlights why appealing to the latter is far more important in the long run… and not just for your sake.

Learning points:

  • Distinction between your community and your customers
  • Design practices for an audience that cares more than most
  • Crafting a story for the right reasons

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