Dana James Mwangi

Entrepreneur, Brand Strategist, Google Digital Coach

Dana James Mwangi

Dana James Mwangi is a branding and digital marketing expert. She is a Google Digital Coach, training businesses to good design practices. Dana has a solid 5-figure following on social media platforms such as Instagram, as well as on professional networks such as LinkedIn.

She talked to Piccia about how to keep your branding consistent and on message: what matters is what you can do for your clients, so make sure that you keep them at the centre.

Brand and Website Strategy that Converts

Interview summary

Using a case study, Dana James Mwangi does an exceptionally brilliant job of demonstrating how a solid research process can be translated into a beautifully designed, cohesive, consistent and effective visual product that converts. “Converting” can mean a variety of things: selling tickets, of course, but also creating community, reviving cultural heritage and affecting social change.  Dana’s exceptional talent as a designer is combined with her business acumen, and her ability to make a brand stand out, while making sure it delivers. One not to miss.

Learning points

  • Always start from research
  • How strategy affects your visual choices
  • Design inclusively: always be accessible
  • The 5-figure one-page website
  • Repeat after me: You’re a consultant. Get paid like one

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